About the Filmmakers



Lie has worked on building sustainable, impactful solutions worldwide on a variety of projects including privacy, security, technology design and development, education, entrepreneurship, sustainable community development, management, sales and marketing, and mobile application development.

Lie was given his name as an honorarium for his three years of service (2005-2008) as a Peace Corps Volunteer in The Gambia, West Africa, where he taught vocational classes in digital systems, consulted on solar panel and off-the-grid internet cafes, and he designed, deployed, and taught the first two years of The Gambia’s first Bachelor’s in Computer Science program at the University of The Gambia (UTG) which is still thriving today.

After returning from the Peace Corps, Lie has built tools to help reduce individual’s environmental impact, built technology tools for the United Nations, researched and documented the privacy risks of health and fitness mobile apps, and served as President of the non-profit Northern California Peace Corps Association (NorCalPCA.org).

Lie is the Producer of “Life In Flint” (LifeInFlint.com), Founder and President of the Technology Peace Corps Association (TechPCA.org), and CEO of Kismet World Wide Consulting (KismetWorldWide.com), which he founded in 2002.

You can read more about Lie’s impact at http://KismetWorldWide.com



Tylor is a freelance media producer and artist has created hundreds of projects in the last decade including the indie feature film Jake’s Dead (JakesDead.com) and documentary Leading Between the Vines (TerryTheiseMovie.com). Filming all around the world including, China, France, Germany, Italy, London, Mexico, Colombia, and throughout the United States in Florida, New York, Texas, Nevada, California, and now Michigan, Tylor has been exposed to a breadth of cultures and uses that experience to bring an authentic context to all his projects.

A graduate from the Academy of Art University (AcademyArt.edu), Tylor has a combined Bachelor Degree in Motion Picture & Television and Advertising & Marketing. Previously, Tylor was a co-founder of the San Francisco based interactive agency Third Street Works (ThirdStreetWorks.com), a weekly video news broadcast on financial technologies called Money & Tech (YouTube.com/MoneyAndTech), and previously of the food and wine lifestyle media house Farm & Cellar (FarmAndCellar.com).

To see other works from Tylor Bohlman visit http://TTBDesign.com